Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Proof of Liberal Split Mind

For years, observers have often wondered in amazement at the ability of liberals to say one thing then do another: witness the Breck Girl amassing a great fortune in the courtroom, then going out and giving speeches about the Two Americas - one miserably poor, with whom he commiserates, and the other disgustingly rich.
Well, wonder no more, it has been confirmed that a liberal can actually utter two conflicting ideas in the same sentence without pause.
In an article about the lack of black models in the industry, a clothes designer, Carmen Marc Valvo, gushed "America is a melting pot. I like diversification."
Well, Mr. Valvo, either it is a melting pot, in which ethnicity and skin color is subsumed to being an American without difference, or it is diverse, with each ethnicity and race trumpeting their differences. Which is it?
Weeelll, probably neither. Mr. Valvo is just displaying the natural ability of a liberal - to hold two contradictory thoughts in his head without it exploding. No need for duck tape here!


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