Sunday, September 23, 2007

Arguing About the War

Word of advice - never, ever engage in an argument with a liberal about the battle in Iraq; they have recognized that one cannot argue ends, only means to a common end, and have redefined it to appear that conservatives and liberals are only arguing about when and how to leave Iraq.
Conservatives don't want to leave Iraq any time soon; perhaps 20-30 years from now may suffice to deteriorate the ability of the Jihadists to a safe level. Iraq is a strategical keystone in the war, not the war itself. To both secure a killing field of Jihadists and maintain a base of operations in the Moslem world, we need to stay in Iraq for a very long time.
So when a liberal starts on about how long till we're out of Iraq, simply reply that it might take 30 years to kill all the Jihadists, and let it go at that.


Anonymous said...

my comment about your most recent post is that according to any reliable information only about 10% of the iraqi insurgency is jihadists.
the rest are sunni or shia militia fighting each other and us when we get in the way.

i am also responding to your comment at townhall about Christian liberals and the bible.
i have been a born again Christian for 50 years and have never heard in any church i have attended that Christians should not encourage government to help the poor.
my brother is an ordained baptist minister and i asked him for any biblical theology that would support your position and he said there was none.
in fact, Paul spent a year traveling from church to church raising money for the poor Christian jews.
that is certainly an indication that God expects us to actively help the poor on a national basis.
my brother pointed out that regardless, there is not one verse in the bible that states we should NOT help the poor under certain circumstances.

please ask your clergy what he thinks and i think you will find your position (the conservative position ) is not grounded in biblical scripture.

it is interestiing that conservatives want to use the government to further their favorite causes, i.e. abortion but deny the right of liberals to further their values.

Countryman said...

In response to your first point, I have never said that the Jihadists comprised any percentage of Moslems, but if we take your figure and extrapolate it to all Moslems, which is in fact pretty close to what some polls of Moslems say, that would mean there are about 140 million Jihadists world-wide. That's a huge undertaking, taking care of all them, not something to be done in a year or two.
Asa to your second point about the government helping the poor, I fail to see what in Scriptures says it should do so. Paul was an individual, and a church leader, not a governmental figure, and charity performed on the part of an individual or a church is perfectly acceptable to me; the government, not. Please point out in the Constitution where the government is empowered to take from some and give to the poor.

Countryman said...

As to your last point, for one, I'm not a Republican style conservative, I'm a libertarian if you had read my earlier posts in my blog.
And I agree, the Federal Government should be silent on the matter of abortion, for the reason I outlined in my post concerning the SCOTUS and Roe v Wade, even though I am personally opposed to it - it is murder.
I find it interesting and puzzling that you seem to regard the Bible as your moral fount, but approve of abortion. Consider Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you." So if God has consecrated a baby in the womb before it has been born, is it not therefore a sin to murder that child that God has consecrated?