Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Intercepting Enemy Communications

All this folderall about President Bush spying on Americans is no more than Liberals carping at every little thing they can in a blighted attempt to mar his tenure.

Intercepting communications with an enemy has never been, in the history of our country, a matter for Congress or the courts to oversee. It matters little that one party to the communication may be a resident of the United States; for all intents and purposes, that person who has communicated with an enemy is not an American, has declared by his very action that he is outside of the law, and therefore not allowed the protection of civil liberties granted to US citizens under the Constitution.

As Commander-in-Chief, and this has been repeated numerous times in all credible media, the President has the responsibility to intercept communications with an enemy. If those who communicate with the enemy are legally US citizens, they should be charged, tried, and executed without further ado. If they are not US citizens, they should be questioned, then executed ASAP as enemy spies.

All the hysteria with which liberals are protesting this makes me wonder if some of them have a personal reason to oppose it: maybe some of them are communicating with the enemy? If you listen to Michael Moore and UBL, as in UBL's latest rant, you would sometimes think they are reading from the same script - do they share a speechwriter, or are they in communication? If so, I would trust that it's only a matter of time before a US Attorney charges his fatass with espionage and treason. Nothing like bacon burning, and how ironic, his buddies have a religious restriction against consorting with pigs.

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